Apply For Grant
The Verona Foundation for Educational Excellence (VFEE) supplements and enhances the basic educational process in the Verona Schools by supporting classroom instruction by providing grants and funding for special projects. The Foundation’s mission is to maintain an extra margin of excellence by employing private resources to supplement traditional school funding. The Foundation evaluates submitted grant applications and approves funding based on the following criteria:

The Innovativeness of the Project.
The number of students it will impact.
How awarding of the grant will enhance the educational experience of Verona’s students
Whether the requested funds are outside the scope of the normal budgeting process
Grant Instructions
To apply for a grant, complete and sign the appropriate Google form/application below. Grant applications without required acknowledgements will not be considered. Applicants now have the option to apply for a grant in written format or creative pitch such as: a Powerpoint, a video, slides etc.
Grant proposals for furniture typically fall outside of VFEE's goal of enhancing curriculum instruction. While we have funded two innovative flexible seating grants grants in the past, our Executive Board is asking that, if you are considering writing a grant proposal for furniture, you reach out to us at prior to starting the process. This will enable us to advise you as to whether or not you should proceed with your grant proposal.
Applicants requesting a grant of $7,500 or more must receive approval of the Superintendent of Schools, in addition to the building Principal. Applicants requesting a grant of $7,500 or more are also required to present their grant in person to the VFEE Board of Directors prior to approval of the application.
Please note, unless otherwise stipulated in the VFEE grant acceptance letter, grant funding will not be provided beyond the original reward. Funds must be expended within one year of the award.
Grant applications may be submitted throughout the school year. The VFEE Grants Committee meets monthly from October through May to review grant applications. Applicants will be notified by email when a grant has been received and again after it has been reviewed.

If you are interested in applying for a grant and need additional information, please contact